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  • Voicing climate concerns from New York to Cambridge to Paris

    Posted on November 25, 2017

    At the beginning of February INTO delegates joined a workshop hosted by the Union of Concerned Scientists and the National Trust for Historic Preservation in Pocantico, New York. The objective was to develop recommendations and priorities for policies and actions to respond to the impacts of rapid climate change on the United States’ cultural heritage resources.

    Our members’ experience of a variety of issues from heritage-led urban revitalisation to the impacts of climate change on cultural and natural heritage can make a positive contribution and can highlight what is unique and special about the National Trust approach in order to influence decision makers in all aspects of policy making.

    ICNT debate on the threats to global heritage, Cambridge 2015

    We were able to build on the Pocantico workshop and discussions in Cambridge by sending a small team to COP 21 in Paris. Our presence and contribution showed INTO as an influential and valuable partner, providing added value to our member organisations with an interest in the COP negotiations and allowing our members to be
    represented at the event.

    Meeting delegates at COP 21 in Paris

    “At a conference with around 50,000 delegates and nearly 100,000 public attendees, one wonders whether an individual’s voice will be heard above the chorus. However, there is no doubt that the voice of INTO was heard – loud and clear. Attendance at COP21 was immensely beneficial for INTO and INTO Farms and will have great benefit for the organisation and member Trusts over the coming years.

    The signing of the Paris Agreement marked a moment in history where the world came together with a sense of shared purpose and responsibility for tackling climate change. And although now is a time to celebrate and feel proud of our achievements, the work doesn’t stop here. It is up to INTO and member organisations to do what we do best – Innovate, share our stories, and work together to enhance the tangible and intangible assets of this world.” Anika Molesworth, INTO Farms

    Our thanks to Anika who contributed so well to the delegation during the two weeks; Andrew Potts of US/ICOMOS for organising the excellent Side Event and follow up with UNESCO; and to Keith Jones for his invaluable contribution as a practitioner and advocate for renewable energy.

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