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  • Sustainable Buildings, Sustainable Sites Webinar TWO, Lessons Learned and COP21 Update

    Posted on April 16, 2016

    National Trust Sustainable Energy Advisor Keith Jones continues the discussion started in 2014 with lessons learned in this rapidly evolving area. We were joined by Oliver Maurice and Anika Molesworth for a debrief on our involvement in COP21 in Paris last fall.

    [embedplusvideo height=”361″ width=”590″ editlink=”” standard=”″ vars=”ytid=wKqUBlHF_u4&width=590&height=361&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=” id=”ep4026″ /]

    Claire Raisin (The Size of Wales) and Keith Jones at Wednesday’s meeting – clearly demonstrating that it is not big enough for both of them !

    Claire Raisin (The Size of Wales) and Keith Jones – clearly demonstrating that it is not big enough for both of them !


    COP21 Graphic

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