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  • “One has to do good in order for it to exist in the world” (Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach)

    Posted on June 18, 2014

    Spreading the word about the Czech National TrustSpreading the word about Czech heritageYoung heritage supporters

    How inspiring to meet the folks from the Czech National Trust today!   They have done wonders setting up this organisation over the past couple of years and are already making huge strides forward: working with partners to raise public awareness of heritage issues; connecting with local communities and voluntary societies (particularly the church, volunteer fire service and a group of hunting conservationists … ); running exhibitions and presentations; working with schools; delivering training programmes.

    Oliver Maurice of INTO with the Czech team, Irena Edwards, Eva Žallmannová and Martin Krcma

    Oliver Maurice of INTO with the Czech team, Irena Edwards, Eva Žallmannová and Martin Krcma

    It was particularly humbling to hear their heartfelt thanks to the INTO team.   Not only have they benefited from our tailored advice and support as a Candidate member, they have found that being a member of INTO has opened doors and increased confidence. It has also helped them explain the concept of a ‘National Trust’.

    The project they are fundraising for at the London launch this evening is a garden containing the mausoleum of the Czech writer, Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach.    The tomb, already visited by coach groups from the Czech Republic, Austria and Germany, is in the middle of a small hilltop park with stunning views of the surrounding countryside and good access.

    This is definitely more than a ‘Tomb with a View’ however as it has a strong story to tell and will act as a pilot for future restoration and revitalisation projects, demonstrating how the municipality, local community, landowners and other stakeholders can all work together with the Czech National Trust.   Find out more here.

    The aims of the Czech National Trust are to:

    •    Find new sources of funding for the restoration of heritage properties, their contents, gardens and parks, and historical landscapes under the renowned brand of the National Trust.

    •    Lobby for better legislation to enable the owners and managers of historic properties to raise money for their upkeep and management in a way that is harmonious with the surrounding community.

    Tomb of Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach near Kroměříž

    Tomb of Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach near Kroměříž

    •    Connect the interests of all those involved in the field of Czech heritage and promoting the growth of philanthropy and volunteerism to support the protection and on-going care of places, regardless of ownership.

    •    Internationalise the education and training of heritage site managers, experts, young professionals and volunteers, and connecting sites, collections and landscapes, regardless of ownership.

    •    Install awareness and pride in local communities and encouraging them to adopt these sites, thereby starting a grassroots movement to preserve them for future generations

    •    Significantly progress perception of the CNT as a “safe pair of hands” which would give owners the confidence to entrust it with their property to administer, champion or own for the benefit of the nation.

    The CNT hopes its pilot project will touch on all of these objectives and begin to grow awareness and pride within local communities; help them love and adopt their cultural heritage; and start a grassroots movement to preserve it for future generations.

    In the words of Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach “Blessed is Trust, for it blesses both those who have it to give and those who receive it” (my caps!).

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