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  • Weekly Update, 12 June 2020

    Posted on June 12, 2020
    A blog by Catherine Leonard, Secretary-General

    In an effort to keep these updates concise, I am linking again to our round-up of reopening stories on the INTO website.

    Out and about

    So, it’s Friday again and I hope this work week has gone well for you.  I had my first excursion to a National Trust place this week, which was truly wonderful. Just an hour or so in the beautiful garden at Hinton Ampner, the nearest to my home.  But lovely to be reminded of why we do what we do. I tweeted some ‘pretty pictures’ here but I’m sure you’re all more interested in the NT EWNI’s signage and messaging …

    Love in the time of corona

    Fundraising is a big focus in INTO members’ renewal plans.  Certainly, the NT here is ramping up its giving messages and launched its first national ‘text-to-donate’ appeal to coincide with reopening quickly pulling in 412 gifts just from car park signs (see above).   And a new donate button on the top navigation bar of the website has also worked well.

    Talking more about ‘cause’ (rather than membership offer and proposition) is like turning an oil tanker (if you’ll forgive the inappropriate simile).   But we’re all having to be more like speed boats at the moment!  The National Trust for Jersey has rejigged its ’30 Bays in 30 Days’ fundraising initiative to fit in with government guidelines:

    I received a postal appeal this week from the National Trust for Scotland.  The message is simple.  “We need your help today to make sure we can continue to look after the places we all love.” If every home that has an NTS membership gives £14, they will raise their target of £2.5m. 

    And yesterday, I had an email from Pro Patrimonio in Romania.  With the help of pro-bono developers, they have established a new mobile-first fundraising platform.  This allows the public to select a project to support and give through a simple, secure online giving page.

    Virtual Visits

    Every May, the US National Trust for Historic Preservation organises ‘Preservation Month’.  This year, with the help of the American Express Foundation, they held a successful virtual version.  I know May is over but there are some great experiences and ideas still available here.  I particularly enjoyed this concert from Nina Simone’s childhood home. 

    On that note … I hope you have a safe and pleasant weekend.

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