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  • Message from Oliver Maurice – Director of Membership and Advocacy

    Posted on July 14, 2016

    I will be attending COP 22 in Marrakech from 7 – 18 November on behalf of the INTO membership and hope that one or two members will join me. I am currently in discussion with Andrew Potts, CEO of US ICOMOS (who was a member of the INTO delegation for the first week of COP 21 In Paris) and Victoria Herrmann of the Arctic Institute concerning a Side Event, the draft title of which is Culture on the Move: Sea Level Rise, Cultural Heritage and Climate Mobility. Victoria and Andrew have submitted a bid on this topic in a contest around climate change, which, if they win, would produce $10,000 towards the costs of travel and accommodation for speakers preferably from the Pacific Islands or the Caribbean though not exclusively. The link below leads you to the site where you can vote for their submission. By so doing you may be helping your own cause (coming to Marrakech!) or another member of the INTO family.

    In the recent Membership Survey, of the 33 responders to the question on climate change, 7 were extremely interested, 7 were very interested and a further 9 were moderately interested

    I will be circulating a paper in due course on what I hope to achieve at COP 22 and how you may be able to help me either by joining me there or submitting examples of the effects of climate change on your heritage.”

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