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Gerie’s Walk Page


                                                                 [olimometer id=5]

Why I am walking the walk:

The walk from Ferrol to Santiago de Compostela is a part of the el camino, this is about 120 kms and will take 5 days.
I am endeavoring to walk this walk for the exercise and to support INTO. As I am only 69 I should do well, compared to the 70yr olds. It will be very interesting to experience another country on that level and I look forward to a fun and enjoyable challenge.

Why I support INTO:

I have been to three INTO conferences as a guest and am very impressed with the effect these conferences have on the participants. They are ‘kindred spirits’ and return to their respective countries energized, inspired and full of ideas to solve some of the challenges in their own countries.

I need your support:

I am asking friends to donate 5 cents per kilometer to support my walk. As the “walk” (the English Way) is only 120 kms compared to the 600 plus kilometers of the more usual El Camino route this will be affordable. Donations can be made securely through PayPal.

The thermometer amount is updated daily (not automatically).

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